Please fill out the form to become a Merchant with us.

Please complete this Form for us!

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Please include: Name - Shareholder Tax ID # - Shares in % - Date of Birth - Mother's ​Full N​ame -
Corporate Structure
Politically Exposed Person (PEP)
Could any member of the board/ other person within the management/ shareholder be considered a “politically exposed person” (PEP) under the third money laundering directive (2005/60), or related to such person, please describe the circumstances which constitute such status below. Please provide certified passport or national ID-card copies for all such people.
Please include any other URL(s) for which you are intending to operate the payment services
Please include the email address via which users can reach your customer support in case of questions
Are you PCI compliant?
What payment options are we servicing?
Do you require local credit cards to be processed via 3DS 2.0?
Do you require tokenized payments for subscriptions or one-click payments?
Company Certificate of Registration
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB
Utility Bill
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB
Articles of Association
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB
Power of Attorney
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB
Certified Passport Copies of Signee
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB
Official Bank Statement
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB
Certified Passport Copies of UBO(s)
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB
Proof of domestic, registered addresses
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB
Supplementary Documentation
PDF or JPEG up to 25MB